England. The "George Washington" sets are called that way, because George Washington did own a set that is similar. Typical characteristics are urn shapes in stems/finials, small mitres on Bishops, high arched Knights and Rooks tapered in one line and with brickwork. The 1st set is identical to the set in Liddell's book. Note that the 3rd set has atypical Rooks. Maybe that set dates early 19th century.

- England, "George Washington"
- Late 18th century
- Ivory K 8.6; p 3.6
- England, "George Washington"
- Late 18th century
- Bone K 8.5; p 4.0
- Box 16.7×11.3×7.3
- England, "George Washington"
- Late 18th century
- Bone K 10.7; p 4.6